Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why don't straight men Zumba?

I just have to get this off my chest...... Why don't straight men Zumba?

For the two or three people in the world that don't know, Zumba is a Latin dance style fitness class. It's been around quite awhile and is well established in both the fitness and dance communities.

But here's the thing. I go to various Zumba classes every month, and I am often the only male in the class. In fact I don't think I've ever been in a Zumba class with more than two other males.

Let's see if you can guess who the most popular person to dance next to, talk to, and flirt with in a Zumba class is?? Could it be the only male??

Now get this, once a week they hold a class in a dance studio that specializes in pole dancing. I go there every week and dance with one other gentleman and about forty strippers.Yes indeed gentlemen, there is a place where for Five Dollars you can be the most popular person in a room full of professional strippers. Where are you?

I'm not kidding either, the ladies love having me and Mr. X there. It gives them someone to show off to. And every week as I pack my bag and leave I keep thinking 'Are straight men really that stupid?'

So if anyone can solve this mystery i sure would like to know.

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